About Elizabeth 'Tayo David
Born in Islington, London and studied in Nigeria. After graduating in Creative Writing, went to America and studied Missions/Christian Ministry. Missions took her to East Asia (Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and China), around America, Europe and the UK.
Later settled in London and worked in various corporations enabling further engagement with and appreciation of diverse communities, cultures and people.
Founded Workers Aflame! in 2009 as a Christian staff network while working long-term in a government corporation in London. As a mission, the aim was to raise awareness of faith and belief through strategic lunchtime events that were organised throughout the year. Alpha by HTB was one of them. It enabled individuals to access and explore the Christian faith in a non-committal, non-judgmental way which was very contextual and effective for the organisation in 2013.
During COVID-19, Workers Aflame! became an online platform for London workers. Monthly online workshops facilitated interactive and guided conversations on topical issues impacting faith and belief in public life. She was a trustee of the long-established charity ‘Christians at Work’ and for a short period worked part-time for Transform Work UK.
Her extended time with TBN UK, the Christian broadcasting station, involved research and writing reports for partners and broadcasting.
For decades as a member of Kensington Temple, London (Elim), a great training environment, she coached and mentored a diverse group of incredible individuals, supporting them to grow, find and flourish in their unique destiny. Some are now great influencers in their sphere. She also obtained a postgraduate certificate in Applied Theology from Regents Theological College (Elim).
Currently, an active member of HTB London, an Anglican-Charismatic church (home of Alpha) based in Brompton Road, London, UK.
As a contemplative, she enjoys watching and walking in nature, reading, writing, meeting people and hearing their TRUE stories!
In 2012, (Angela) Merkel said, regarding her faith:
"I am a member of the Protestant Church. I believe in God and religion is also my constant companion, and has been for the whole of my life. We as Christians should above all not be afraid of standing up for our beliefs." She also publicly declared that Germany (the West) suffers not from "too much Islam" but "too little Christianity"
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