The Story...
​Workers Aflame! started in 2009 as a Staff Network in a London Corporation.
Its aim was to raise awareness in the workplace through various strategic lunchtime events throughout the year. With the necessary permissions, fortnightly meetings and other major events ran for a number of years.
Alpha in the workplace was one of them. Alpha enabled individuals to engage and examine faith in a non-committal, non-judgmental way, which is appropriate and contextual for the workplace.
Over time, the network inevitably provided a safe space, and increased well-being and morale for staff. It was also an outlet for the collective voice and became recognized and celebrated as an asset to the organization and its staff.
It later organized various virtual workshops called 'Sessions'. These were interactive, guided conversations on issues that impact faith and belief in public life. It enabled workers around London to gather and discuss topics that empowered and encouraged them to flourish within the corporate space. ​​​Various professionals contributed to the Sessions, speaking from their own corporate experience of living out faith in public life. Numerous blogs were also written to keep the community engaged and encouraged.
Worker Aflame! currently aims to address a most critical need in society. It aims to create forums to discuss pragmatic ways and means to intentionally engage and contribute to our networks, communities and families and therefore impact society at such a pivotal time in history when individual roles and the ethical compass seem confusing.
Also, we aim to empower and support individuals to remain
Purposeful and to Flourish in their unique Mission and Work
In Every Season and Sphere of Life and Living.
(Ephesian 2:10)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Workers Aflame! is a social enterprise
It depends on the generosity of its beneficiaries for its activities.​​​
Kavanah Designs is a subsidiary.​​
Company no. 14244965​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​