Watch 2025!
God is doing something NEW personally, corporately, and globally.
He is providing new opportunities, positions and platforms according to His timing and intent in preparation for the Great Ingathering of Souls in our generation in the UK, and beyond.
The purifying and refining, the change of alliances and allegiances, and the removing and repositioning of the last season were all to make room and allow for the renewing of covenants, commitments, and callings in 2025.
We Are Hungry for Revival in Our Generation!
Not in the 1970's, not in the 1990's. We want it now - today. We are tired of hearing about what God did yesterday, or, what He will do someday. Sorry, that narrative is old and obsolete. What is God doing Today in the lives of individuals and congregations across the land? Not randomly here or there. But here and now, daily!
People, it's time we renew our covenant, commitment, and our calling with God. We need to do this on a personal, and a corporate level.
On a personal level, there are too many Jonahs trapped in the belly of the whale, wondering why they are constantly bailing out turbulent waters, and going nowhere. They need to go back to the Original Call and back to their First Love. Return and renew old commitments to God.
On a corporate level, we need to recommit to the BIBLE. It is the Simple Gospel that will change the trajectory of the Church, and result in transforming the landscape of communities, corporations, countries and whole continents. Just as it did before.
The Big Caveat is - IF, on both the personal and corporate level, we will wake up, shake off and break off trappings of the OLD ways, and embrace the NEW way of the Holy Spirit's Call.
The Book of Acts is still the Pattern (prototype and template) for reviving and renewing the Church. It will not change. It cannot. We, must return - as New Wineskins.
Change is however happening all around us at an alarming rate, again on many levels - international, national, regional, professional, congregational, personal, spiritual, financial, and relational.
The accelerated rate of change in the world has created a thirst and a longing for a reality that is unchanging and fulfilling - Love and Truth. There is now a chasm in the hearts of humanity that only the Gospel and Glory of Jesus Christ can fill. And, we need Both.
2025 Is An Epic Year!
Previous Seasons have been preparation for this.
They were years the Church was Becoming.

We learnt the rudiments of war. How to pray, hear God's voice, exercise faith and spiritual gifts, to see miracles, and divine interventions, and how to receive wisdom for exploits.
We learnt what it takes to depend solely on God to navigate the wilderness and the deserts of life; and what is required to break out into new territory for greater influence and impact, and to position us for momentum and advancement as a Body of Believers.

What Will Momentum Require?
So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6
I believe it will take purposeful and Intentional prayer.
Prayer not for the maintenance or management of the status quo, but for real and meaningful dialogue that creates intimacy and produces significant and lasting results.
Sorry! Without Intimacy there are no Offspring.
There are many 'alien babies' running around in our lives and churches. We have become so accustomed to producing them, that no one bats an eyelid, so long as they create a lot of noise, excitement, and activity.
Let's put away our idols, and return to God.
God loves conversation – He wants us to enquire, to be curious and fully engaged, and to be interested in lasting things. The Kingdom of God is generationally linked. It is one plan of Salvation for all time. In each generation, we are invited to partake and to participate. So, we are a wise and privileged people, if we do.
King David’s life and legacy demonstrate this explicitly.
He accepted the invitation and said Yes.
He fought and won battles because he was locked into the heart of God for his time. He lived out God's intent for Israel in that generation. It was his relationship with God that shaped him for war and for the victories he won, not the other way around. He just said yes.
The Lord of Armies did the rest.

In 2025, we must lock into God's heart for us individually, and corporately.
We should bring words such as:
"Lord, what are you requiring of me? Whatever it is I am totally committed. Lord, help me. Help me to follow wholeheartedly. Help me walk with you, talk with you and be all you want me to be, according to your time and intent - your purpose and your will."
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will... Ephesians 1:11
... in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace... in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. Ephesians 1:5-8
There is Joy in His Will, and Grace for the Call.
We must find this in 2025. Because when the going gets tough, it is the joy of His presence and His enabling grace that will carry us through.
Therefore, each time we pray (dialogue) we should do so with intentionality.
Why Are We Praying?
King David as a military man accomplished much but that success hinged on intelligence - Divine Intelligence.
This military strategy is a valuable pattern and prototype for our prayer times, projects and initiatives today.
Prayer Is an Enquiry.
Lord, what is on your heart?
What would you have us do?
How should we proceed?
God is ALWAYS working. We can choose to accept His invitation to co-labour with him as business partners. And, God's Genius 'business plan' can only be found and known in dialogue and in the boardroom, depending on the trust level built up over time. But, the Lord is merciful and kind.
When we know the heart of God on a matter, we then proceed with assurance and courage. The yoke becomes easy and the burden light. There is peace and joy, relatively!
It takes proximity and vulnerability. And, The Blood of Jesus makes that possible.
Prayer is a Wait.
We have to set our hearts to seek and stay in pursuit.
Making time and space, setting boundaries and safeguarding them is essential - wisdom and context may require flexibility and adaptability, but we never compromise on intentionality.
King David made it his business to find out what God was doing and put all his kingly weight behind it, making it his prime focus. He was able to succeed in battle, not because of the institution of kingship (like King Saul); nor because of his national identity. It was because of his devotion and dependence on the Lord who chose him.
And, God honoured him all the time he stayed humble and dependent. It requires purposeful consecration to stay in that posture when there is so much noise in the world around us.
Prayer is Curiosity.
It also takes curiosity and a love of mystery to unearth intelligence to solve problems and create solutions. And, curiosity requires proximity and wonder.

God’s Secrets are accessible to anyone who with humility
will stoop down and look up.
It is Harvest Time, and the Lord of the Harvest alone knows the 'battle plan'.

He knows how to get the harvest of a generation into barns all over the nation. The Whole Armed Forces ( Army, Navy, and Airforce) 'soldiers and reserves' are required to Show Up for this momentous and consequential Enterprise and Mission.
And, the only way to get it done is On Our Knees and Faces.
That is what is required of ALL of Us in 2025!
I would like to dedicate this article to the best leaders in the world. Whose heart for people is second to none. Who have opened their arms to so many and by their consistent service to the Lord have unwittingly provided Refuge to more than they can ever imagine. Their hunger for Revival and preparation for it continues to place such a demand on Heaven that I know Heaven will respond any day.
Thank you.
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